Cherie Pash
Senior Naturopath and clinic director
Adv Dip Naturopathy (AIAS)
Western Herbalist, Naturopath and Nutritionist
Nutrigenomic and Methylation Certification (SHEI)
NES Wellness System Certified Practitioner
Homeobotanical Certified Practitioner
HTMA Certified Practitioner
Member of Complementary Medicine Association (CMA2042)
Private Health Refunds under Nutrition
Cherie’s area’s of special interest:
Complex and chronic cases
Stress and adrenal fatigue
Autoimmune disease
Depression and Anxiety
MTHFR and methylation issues.

I am here to help and support you on your journey back to health. We make this journey together; collaborating, investigating, sharing, listening, trialing and learning. I believe everything we experience in our lives has something to teach us. My own journey into the depths of debilitating illness has become the best teaching experience of my life. My steady and triumphant regaining of my health my greatest achievement. Many times I thought my useful life was over. Others thought so too but my heart and head said “No! I can do this. I will do this. The answers are out there”.
I did it and so can you! If you feel in any way that your poor health is holding you back from truly enjoying life please come and see me. I studied formally for 5 years to gain my qualification as a Naturopath but have many more years living, experiencing and applying the latest research and treatments and fully recovering from multiple diseases and conditions that Western Medicine says are incurable.
The toolbox of treatments I offer is wide and varied. We are all individuals so each treatment plan is a little different.
Come to me with the clear intention to regain your health. Intention is more powerful than we know! Don't let anyone stand in your way. This is your journey. Maybe you will have to make changes to support your body as it heals. So be it! Glowing health and vibrant energy cannot be bought or sold. They are priceless. Healing is achieved by knowledge, patience, persistence and time. Are you worth it? I believe you are and my intention is to stand by your side every step of your journey till you reach your goals and can live the life you were intended to live.
Cherie Pash